We offer dental extractions under local anaesthetic only. We do not offer sedation at the practice. Please note difficult surgical extractions such as impacted wisdom teeth are likely to need onward referral.
Always remember a clean and healthy mouth heals more rapidly than a neglected one.
The following steps will prevent bleeding and relieve soreness:
On the day of treatment
Any pain or soreness can be relieved by taking your normal pain relief.
If prolonged bleeding or pain occurs, contact your dentist on 0161 4324477 in surgery hours. Out of hour you should attend your nearest A and E department.
It may be beneficial to use an antiseptic rinse recommended by your dentist or a warm saltwater mouth rinse to bathe the wound. This may be carried out after each meal until healing is complete. A saline rinse is made by dissolving a level teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. The solution should be held in the mouth for approx. one minute and then discarded. Avoid over-vigorous rinsing. Continuing mild pain can again be treated by taking your normal pain relief.
Occasionally small particles of bone may come to the surface. This is normal and will settle in time.
If in doubt, please contact the surgery for advice on 0161 432 4477.